Friday 27 March 2009

So, what now?

Just finished two weeks work experience at Stylorouge design consultancy in London. It was a good experience but I think I have mixed feelings about it. I wouldn't say that I had particularly learned much. The one thing I did notice however was how quick you had to work on each pitch before presenting it to the client. Excitingly, the client was 'Blur'.
As you all may know, they're getting back together after 5 years of nothing, though; the album will not consist of any new material. Whether the band has a say in the album being produced is another matter.

At the moment I'm just on the train to my dads in Rugby... this train is quite shabby actually. Normally they're a lot better... a virgin train in most cases, but no, not this time.

Hopefully with any luck Dad and I will find a car for me this weekend, though realistically I've only got a day, that day being tomorrow. Though I wont be able to get insured on it straight away because the price has gone up! Now I'm a little out of pocket and will have to wait a few days until I have enough money. I’ve been selling stuff on eBay so I should be ok... but as far as my dad needs to know, I left my debit card in my other jeans :)
He'll only suspect me of never having the money for insurance in the first place etc etc etc!
But then again, as far as I'm concerned, I've been waiting for a bloody car and had the money for the insurance for the past 5 months! Quite annoying that the weekend I could potentially get a car is the same period of time I've had to lose about £100 on travel for work experience!

Now my work experience is over I've got quite a few weeks off. Hopefully I can find a way to make some money ... sell more items on eBay perhaps! Ones of some value at least. I can’t believe some cheeky bastards managed to bit on some of my Disney videos for 99p! I didn’t have anything to do with it; it was my bloody Burmese girlfriend who put the items on there!
Who I love and adore of course!

Now in the next few weeks I plan on writing up my script, completing my logbook for work experience to prove to college that I've been a busy bee, and also work on my portfolio.
Lets see if I can get at least ONE of those things done!

Anyway, going to end the post here. Haven't got to much else to say ... just hope that Dad's not going to be too bothered "that i left my card at home". I cant drive the thing back yet anyway, so it shouldn't really make a difference!

Hope theres at least SOME amount of relaxed conversation. its always a bit hard to break the ice when you havent seen each other for months at a time. Always makes the whole experience a lot more enjoyable though when I get moaned at straight away. Bye!

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